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Intensive Care

Intensive Care

Established in 1980s, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs Road was expanded to include a Special Care Unit in 2010s, and is considered one of the best ICUs among all private hospitals in Hong Kong.

Our ICU serves patients in need of specialized care due to serious illness or critical conditions. Managed by intensivists and other specialists, the ICU is staffed by medical professionals trained in intensive care medicine who provide 24-hour monitoring, timely support, prompt interventions, and compassionate care to critically ill patients.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Special Care Unit (SCU) Highlights

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Special Care Unit (SCU) Highlights
  • Intensive care medicine specialists: our intensivists have all completed specialty training in intensive care medicine and have thorough understanding of critical illness and vital organs support.
  • Medical escort service allows patients to be transported to the hospital for further treatment.
  • Specialized medical equipment: our ICU is equipped with ventilators and telemetry systems, and is one of the few in Hong Kong with ECMO machine. We also provide hemodialysis services.
  • Support for complicated and advanced procedures: we support complex procedures such as open heart surgery, transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), and other ultra-major surgeries. We are also the only private ICU that supports pediatric open heart surgery.
  • Patient privacy: our ICU features all single rooms for optimum privacy.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Special Care Unit (SCU) Services

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Special Care Unit (SCU) Services
  • 24-hour care and monitoring for critically ill patients with unstable health conditions
  • Postoperative care for patients undergoing major surgeries
  • Medical care for unstable cardiovascular patients
  • Medical care for patients suffering from severe infection
  • Medical care for patients with breathing difficulties
  • Medical care for shock patients
  • Medical care for patients suffering from poisoning
  • Medical care for patients with stroke

Our Team

Our Team

The ICU is led by intensivists and other specialists and supported by medical professionals trained in intensive care medicine, who work together to provide timely and accurate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment services to our patients.

(不好意思, 久未執筆, 字太醜, 故打印出來方便閱讀)


爸爸走了。在他選的時間、以他的方式離開, 這倒也很符合他的作風。
我們相信, 他是刻意在家人距離醫院還有兩分鐘車程時, 灑脫地走。精明的他肯定還會算及,要趕在王醫生還在醫院之時,以及不會阻Chloe下班這些因素。(你知佢幾有時間觀念, 出來坐差唔多夠鐘就嗌走: P) 爸爸生平最怕麻煩人的。
有時我會想, 像他這樣有性格、要求高、充滿棱角的人, 何德何能獲大家真誠相待、無微不至的照顧? He must have done something right to deserve all these.
在港安醫院短短8個月, 相對於一生70多年悠悠歲月, 究竟意義何在? 值得花那麼多人力物力來換取嗎?
可能大家未必知道, 爸爸之前在內地醫院遭受粗暴對待, 甚至被醫護辱罵, 如果他的人生在此劃上句號, 會是帶著悲憤和屈辱離開, 而作為家人的我們, 也會愧疚一生。
然而, 來到SCU, 在一個充滿愛、每個人都關心他、真心為他好的環境下, 走完人生最後一程, 這不僅是他的福氣, 也療癒了我們的傷痛。記得9月的一天, 我跟爸爸閒聊。他笑著說每天都在受苦。我說:「爸爸, 雖然肉體上的痛苦我們不能替你完全拿走, 但能有尊嚴、在愛中過每一天, 這就值了。」當時他用炯炯有神的目光告訴我: 他同意。
在此, 我希望特別感謝陪伴他走最後一程、拖著他手給他最後安慰的 Chloe; 特意趕回來替他打扮靚仔的Fiona; 以及前來跟他說再見的各位。更要感謝過去8個月, 每天悉心照顧他的所有醫護人員。
不知你們有沒有察覺, 爸爸很多時會專注地看你們的名牌。我想, 他應該是希望好好記住你們每一個的名字。(當然也不排除他想實名投訴, 說笑)。容我在此一一向你們道謝: Carol, Sharon, Fiona, Chloe, Pansy, Katherine, Michelle, Monita, Eva, Louise, 慕, Yoyo, 葦、Rainbow。以及顏值與氣力俱在線的男子組: Victor, Panda, Edwin, 星, Solar。還有我因老花看不清名牌的醫護人員, 在此一併謝過。
也煩請替我感謝物理治療團隊, 特別是Joe及Michael。爸爸接收到他們的鼓勵, 曾有過繞SCU走一圈的高光時刻。天曉得這短短的幾步, 他要多努力、多堅持才能邁出。他當時珍惜地仔看SCU每一角落的表情, 以及臉上充滿光彩的笑容, 我永遠都不會忘記。謝謝你們給我如此珍貴的回憶, 夠我回味一輩子。
最後, 希望大家繼續加油, 使更多病人及家屬感受到這份溫暖, 這就夠支撐他們渡過每一個艱難的時刻。我會為大家打氣!
Dear AH ICU護士們,

Emergency Medicine - Intensive Care
Dr. Ko Hiu Fai
Adventist Health Physician
Resident Consultant In Intensive Care
Resident Consultant In Emergency Medicine
FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)
FHKCA (Intensive Care)
FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)
FRCP (Edin)
Emergency Medicine - Intensive Care
Dr. Li Tin Yan
Adventist Health Physician
Resident Consultant In Emergency Medicine
FHKCA (Intensive Care)
FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)
Emergency Medicine - Intensive Care
Dr. Yim Kin Ming
Dip Clin Tox (HKPIC & HKCEM)
FHKCA (Intensive Care)
FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)
FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)
Services Fees & Packages

お問い合わせ: 36518992

6/F, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs Road 40 Stubbs Road , Hong Kong
Out-patient Clinic
Waiting Time