Pharmacy Services


The Pharmacy Department operates in compliance with local pharmaceutical legislation and professional standards of international accreditation bodies.

Mission: To meet patients' needs by providing comprehensive, high-quality, efficient and effective pharmaceutical services.

Scope of Services

Scope of Services

Professional Medication Counseling for Out-patients and Discharge Patients at Bedsides

  • Professional medication counseling service is available seven days a week.
  • Bedside discharge medication counseling is available to in-patients, their family and caregivers in the comfort of a private setting.
  • Our dedicated pharmacists provide appropriate medication education which promotes patient compliance and safe medication use.


Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Services

  • Available since 2000, compounded parenteral nutrition solution is provided to critically ill patients who cannot tolerate oral nutrition and nourishment.
  • The formula of these solutions is tailor-made to meet individual patients’ daily caloric and clinical needs.
  • Specialized admixing procedure is performed in a laminar flow hood under strict aseptic environment and compounding techniques to ensure product sterility and quality.


Cytotoxic Reconstitution Service

  • Through the use of isolation technology since 1993, strict aseptic technique complements the high quality and effectiveness of our cytotoxic therapy for our cancer patients.
  • A new twin clean room was built in 2012 to cater for the higher standard and volume demands of the new Oncology
  • Center which opened the same year. The new pharmacy cytotoxic reconstitution room is equipped with the latest isolator model and state-of-the-art clean room technology with temperature and moisture control.

Unit Dose Dispensing System

  • A leader in adopting the unit dose dispensing system in in-patient dispensing since 1983, our hospital ensures medication safety at multiple levels of drug prescription ordering, distribution and administration throughout the hospital.
  • Adventist Health is the first healthcare institution in Hong Kong to employ the unit dose dispensing system throughout its hospitals.

Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA) Program

  • A multidisciplinary program fully implemented in all our in-patient wards.
  • 2D barcode and unit dose dispensing system are integrated. By utilizing mobile clinical solution technology, drug administration processes are securely checked by scanning the 2D barcode unit-dose packed drugs, patient medication administration record and patient identity wristband, ensuring accountability and traceability. This ensures the right medication is given to the right patient, at the right dose, at the right time and via the right route of administration. These "FIVE RIGHTS" of medication administration are in line with the international standard.


Clinical Pharmacy Service

  • Introduced in 2008 to enhance the quality of pharmaceutical care provision and effective interdisciplinary interaction in our hospital.
  • Service goals are to promote rational, safe and cost-effective utilization of medication.
  • Our pharmacists participate in holistic patient care, including medical chart review, clinical intervention, fall risk assessment, adverse drug reaction investigation, antibiotic and therapeutic drug monitoring, and patient education.
  • Periodic audits and monitoring are in place to measure the performance of these activities.
Ground Floor, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital 40 Stubbs Road , Hong Kong
Opening Hours

Pharmacy Supportive Service
08:00 - 23:00

Out-patient Clinic
Waiting Time