
Subsidy Program for Pelvic Floor Muscles Training

Childbirth, weight gain, menopause, long-term constipation, chronic cough, and other factors may contribute to weakened pelvic floor muscles, may bring about vaginal laxity, frequent urination, or urinary incontinence.


Treatment period

  • 6 to 8 sessions in total, usually scheduled twice per week



  • 18 years old or above
  • Hong Kong Permanent Resident
  • Individual monthly income not more than HK$13,000
  • Hong Kong Registered Doctor’s referral for Physiotherapy
  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles


Contact number 28350569

Email foundation@hkah.org.hk

Venue for treatment The Rehabilitation Center at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs Road


Terms and Conditions:

  • Each beneficiary must inform the respective Rehabilitation Center 24 hours in advance if he/she is unable to participate in an upcoming physiotherapy session
  • In order to avoid no show for a reserved physiotherapy session, each beneficiary needs to pay HK$100 for each session (beneficiaries on CSSA are exempted from this payment)
  • Please provide Hong Kong Identity Card copy, address proof and the latest Salaries Tax for application
  • Patients will be asked to fill in a questionnaire before and after their treatment. Feedback for improvement will also be provided to patients
  • The first treatment session will include initial assessment and pelvic floor muscles training
Outpatient clinic (GPs)