
HSBC Card Holders – Enjoy up to 10% saving on "Children’s Speech Therapy"

  Children Speech Therapy Assessment Children’s Speech Therapy Package (7 Sessions)
Managed by Speech Therapist Original Price HK$1,850
Discounted Price HK$1,660
Original Price HK$8,310
Discounted Price HK$7,895


Applicable Age: 2 to 12 years old

Duration of Each Session: Approximately 45 minutes


This package is suitable for children with the following conditions:

  • Language development delays or disorders
  • Unclear pronunciation or speech issues
  • Fluency disorders (such as stuttering)
  • Oral muscle coordination difficulties
  • Social communication challenges


The therapy can significantly improve the following abilities:

  • Oral expression and comprehension
  • Language expression and vocabulary usage
  • Social communication skills
  • Oral muscle coordination
  • Pronunciation fluency and clarity


Terms & Conditions:

  1. The promotion is valid from now until 31 December 2025 (both dates inclusive). All services must be scheduled and completed before the end date to qualify for the promotion.
  2. Cardholders are required to settle payment with the corresponding entitled cards in order to enjoy the offers.
  3. The offer is subject to relevant terms and conditions.
  4. Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs Road (the Hospital) reserves the right to amend the relevant terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the Hospital’s decision is final.

Please call 28350558 or email rehab.psr@hkah.org.hk for appointment and enquiries.

Out-patient Clinic
Waiting Time